Crystal Shores FL Homes for Sale
A Crystal Beach, Florida Community
There are many great Crystal Beach homes for sale in Destin FL and Crystal Shores is one of the more popular neighborhoods. It contains 69 homes and is bounded by Scenic 98, Hutchinson Street, and Crystal Beach Drive. Residents and owners of homes in Crystal Shores have direct beach access via one of the many access points on Scenic 98. All homes have an address on Oceanview Drive.
View current listings for homes in Crystal Shores, or read more about Crystal Shores house styles and features below.
Real Estate for Sale in Crystal Shores
Real Estate for Sale in Crystal Shores - Market Stats
Crystal Shores sales data is provided by the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors and reflects 12 months of sales data.
# Listings | Avg. DOM | Avg. Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Avg. Price/SqFt | Highest Price/SqFt | Lowest Price/SqFt | |
Active | 4 | 407 | $2,247,500 | $3,400,000 | $945,000 | $654 | $788 | $557 |
Sold (Last Year) | 5 | 270 | $1,492,000 | $2,240,000 | $775,000 | $631 | $731 | $558 |
Last Year Sales By Month
House Styles & Features in Crystal Shores
Crystal Shores architecture reflects a classic beach cottage style. Key features include:
- 2-3 Stories: Crystal Shores homes range in size from 1,200 sf to over 4,000 sf with the average being around 2,500 sf.
- Detached garages and/or garage apartments: Some of the larger lots have detached garages with apartments above them. These are sometimes referred to as carriage houses or mother-in-law suites and add great value and increase rental potential
- Fully landscaped and irrigated yards: You will find a variety of trees and plants, including palms, magnolias, sago’s, and other tropical vegetation
- Pools: Many homes have private pools
- Large balconies: Most homes have large balconies on one or more levels these are perfect for enjoying the cool summer breezes that blow in over the gulf.
- Materials: Homes in Crystal Shores are typically frame construction with vinyl exteriors and metal roofs. This combination is outstanding for resisting the extreme weather conditions found in beach communities
- Sidewalks and White Picket Fences: All homes in Crystal Shores have charming white picket fences and sidewalks.
Gauge the Market Value in Crystal Shores
There are several factors to consider when trying to establish market value for homes in Crystal Shores. Typically, adjustments need to be made for:
- Location in the neighborhood: Homes nearer (shorter walk) to the beach are typically more desired
- View: Some homes on the South End of the neighborhood, adjacent to Scenic 98, have views of the water.
- Interior Finish: Several Crystal Shores homes were built in the late 90s. Those that have been renovated with new cabinets, countertops, floors, paint, and furnishings will sell for $50k-$100k+ than those that don't have the upgrades.
- Crystal Shores Foreclosures and Short Sales: These homes are typcially in need of repair and rehabilitation and should be discounted accordingly.
Crystal Shores Amenities
- Swimming Pool: Crystal Shores has a community pool with furniture and ample decking for relaxing or suntanning.
- Beach Access: Crystal beach has many access points to the beach. These are typically found at the end of the North/South running streets and easy to walk to from Crystal Shores.
- Destin shops and restaurants are a short walk or bike ride.
Crystal Shores Rules and Facts
To protect your value, the following rules are in place:
- No parking in street
- No RV or boat parking
- Lots are maintained by each owner and not part of the association.
Crystal Shores is one of the premier neighborhoods in Crystal Beach Destin. The proximity to the beach, shopping, dining, and golf is convenient and the selection is diverse. The charming community of Crystal Beach Cottages is located just behind.
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Crystal Shores Real Estate Stats
#Crystal-Shores-graphstats#For help buying or selling a home in Crystal Shores, or Crystal Beach, please contact one of the team at Destin Real Estate, LLC, or (850) 325-0004 .