Tidewater Beach Condos, Panama City Beach
Address: 16819 Front Beach Rd., Panama City Beach, FL 32413
Tidewater Beach Listings | Panama City Beach Condos | Panama City Beach Sold Listings | Scenic 30A Condos |
Browse Tidewater Beach Condos for Sale
Browse Tidewater Beach Condos for Sale - Market Stats
Tidewater Beach sales data is provided by the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors and reflects 12 months of sales data.
# Listings | Avg. DOM | Avg. Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Avg. Price/SqFt | Highest Price/SqFt | Lowest Price/SqFt | |
Active | 8 | 120 | $569,113 | $820,000 | $409,000 | $470 | $558 | $398 |
Sold (Last Year) | 14 | 335 | $614,143 | $920,000 | $395,000 | $435 | $532 | $330 |
Last Year Sales By Month
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Tidewater Beach Condo Stats
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We'd be happy to show you around the condominiums at Tidewater Beach, or help you find the ideal condo in the Panama City Beach area. Please don't hesitate to contact us or (850) 325-0004 for more information.