Homes in Waterview at Inlet Beach

Homes in Waterview at Inlet Beach resemble upscale Florida cottages, but can be acquired at a much lower price point. You do get a lot for your money for this Inlet Beach community so close to the Gulf. In addition to being a short walk to the beach, there are lots of great spots close to Waterview, such as Camp Helen State Park, and the fun shops and restaurants in Rosemary Beach, Seacrest Beach and Alys Beach.

Other desirable subdivisions in Inlet Beach include Barbery Coast, Bluff at Inlet Beach, Costa Carina, Lake Shore Estates, Pinecrest, Pinewood Preserve, Pompano Place, and West Shore Place.

View available homes for sale in Waterview at Inlet Beach, or browse other Scenic 30A subdivisions.

Real Estate in Waterview at Inlet Beach

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Real Estate in Waterview at Inlet Beach - Market Stats

Waterview at Inlet Beach sales data is provided by the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors and reflects 12 months of sales data.

  # Listings Avg. DOM Avg. Price Highest Price Lowest Price Avg. Price/SqFt Highest Price/SqFt Lowest Price/SqFt
Sold (Last Year) 1 332 $653,000 $653,000 $653,000 $369 $369 $369

Highest Sales by Month

Jan 2025 - 54 Topside Drive, Inlet Beach, FL
54 Topside Drive, Inlet Beach
VERY DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION!! Highly motivated seller. Gorgeously stunning beach bungalow in the heart of Inlet Beach, just a quick stroll to the sugar white sands and emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico. This meticulously maintained home features a...

Detached Single Family

3 Beds
3 Baths
1,772 SqFt
View Details


Please don't hesitate to contact the team at Destin Real Estate, or (850) 325-0004 for more information about real estate in Waterview at Inlet Beach or other Scenic 30A communities.

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