Azalea Gardens Homes in Destin FL
Azalea Gardens is located north of 98 in Destin and near the Harbor District. These homes make great primary residences and are typically one story. Return to Destin Florida Homes for Sale
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Azalea Gardens Homes for Sale
Market Stats for Azalea Gardens Homes
Azalea Gardens sales data is provided by the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors and reflects 12 months of sales data.
# Listings | Avg. DOM | Avg. Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Avg. Price/SqFt | Highest Price/SqFt | Lowest Price/SqFt | |
Active | 1 | 126 | $259,000 | $259,000 | $259,000 | $199 | $199 | $199 |
Sold (Last Year) | 1 | 196 | $500,000 | $500,000 | $500,000 | $274 | $274 | $274 |
Highest Sales by Month
Destin Featured Subdivisions
We'd be happy to show you around and help you find the ideal home in Azalea Gardens. Please don't hesitate to contact us or (850) 325-0004 for more information.