Emerald Breeze Homes in Destin
Capturing the soft melody of the surf in gentle ocean winds, Emerald Breeze homes in Destin live up to their name. This idyllic location features sidewalk access to the beach, and nearby shopping centers and popular restaurants. Destin homes in Emerald Breeze are moderately priced and range from 1,600 to 2,000 square feet in size. Brick exteriors and split floor plan designs are common features. Emerald Breeze real estate makes perfect family homes and investment properties. Other nearby neighborhoods in Destin include Crystal Beach and Tuscany.
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Emerald Breeze Real Estate
Market Stats for Homes in Emerald Breeze
Emerald Breeze sales data is provided by the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors and reflects 12 months of sales data.
# Listings | Avg. DOM | Avg. Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Avg. Price/SqFt | Highest Price/SqFt | Lowest Price/SqFt | |
Active | 1 | 94 | $635,000 | $635,000 | $635,000 | $305 | $305 | $305 |
Sold (Last Year) | 1 | 386 | $775,000 | $775,000 | $775,000 | $229 | $229 | $229 |
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We'd be happy to show you around and help you find the ideal home in Emerald Breeze. Please don't hesitate to contact us or (850) 325-0004 for more information.