Homes in Seagrove Shores, Santa Rosa Beach
Seagrove Shores is a gorgeous little community built on the banks of the canal in the "old Seagrove" neighborhood. Luxury homes sit on highly treed lots and offer close proximity to the beach, local shops, and Seaside dining.
View listings for homes for sale in Seagrove Shores, or browse real estate in other Santa Rosa beach communities.
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Search Homes for Sale in Seagrove Shores - Market Stats
Seagrove Shores sales data is provided by the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors and reflects 12 months of sales data.
# Listings | Avg. DOM | Avg. Price | Highest Price | Lowest Price | Avg. Price/SqFt | Highest Price/SqFt | Lowest Price/SqFt | |
Active | 1 | 5 | $2,850,000 | $2,850,000 | $2,850,000 | $782 | $782 | $782 |
Sold (Last Year) | 1 | 226 | $1,740,000 | $1,740,000 | $1,740,000 | $616 | $616 | $616 |
Highest Sales by Month
View Listing Stats for Seagrove Shores
#seagrove-shores-mls-graphstats#South Santa Rosa Beach Featured Subdivisions
Do you have questions about homes in Seagrove Shores, or other Santa Rosa Beach subdivisions? Please don't hesitate to contact the team at Destin Real Estate, or (850) 325-0004 for more information.