Found 3 blog entries tagged as Emerald Coast activities.

Destin guide to summer events

The hot weather is here and Destin is celebrating summer the best way possible - outdoors or at the beach.  Movies in the Park, weekly Farmer's Markets abound, fireworks, concerts and of course the celebrated Emerald Coast Blue Marlin Classic. We'll do our best to keep this list updated with the most popular events in the area. Please let us know if you have an activity you'd like added to the list.

JUNE, 2017

Emerald Coast Blue Marlin Classic - June 21-25th
Huge cash prizes of almost $2 million draws serious anglers from all over the country. Evenings are filled with entertainment, activities, and fireworks.

JULY, 2017

2017 Freedom Pub Crawl - July 1 | 5 pm - 10pm
Get your wristband for $15 on sale at all advertised…

860 Views, 0 Comments

The entire Destin area and surrounding towns along the 30A are bustling with Spring activities. Farmer's Markets, Fishing competitions, wine and beer tasting, there is always something going on. We'll do our best to keep this list updated with the most popular events in the area. Please let us know if you have an activity you'd like added to the list.

MARCH, 2017

20th Annual Destin Cobia Tournament - March 1 - April 30th
The 20th Annual Destin Cobia Tournament presented by HarborWalk Marina attracts hundreds of first time to experienced anglers to compete. Tournament begins when the first cobia is caught and ends April 30th. This is a free event. Info at:

Al's Pirate Show - March 28 - Sept. 5th

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Destin winter event guide
The entire Destin area and surrounding towns along the Emerald Coast is bustling with activities. Farmer's Markets, Fishing competitions, champagne strolls, wine and beer tasting, there is always something going on. We'll do our best to keep this list updated with the most popular events in the area. Please let us know if you have an activity you'd like added to the list.

MARCH, 2017

20th Annual Destin Cobia Tournament - March 1 - April 30th
The 20th Annual Destin Cobia Tournament presented by HarborWalk Marina attracts hundreds of first time to experienced anglers to compete. Tournament begins when the first cobia is caught and ends April 30th. This is a free event.

Seaside School Half…

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